Freud killed his God Jahwe


As far as receiving my license to practice was concerned, I became very busy playing down my activities in this respect and realized, that being a doctor is not a liberal profession anymore. My fundamental rights of freedom of action and of religion were being interfered with and the intention was to simply prevent me from having clarifying talks with patients. I was expected to join the general psychiatrists’ neurosis but did not feel at all like complying with it. How this general neurosis comes about is easily explained: With his sentence “Religion is insanity”, Freud killed his God Jahwe only in his surface consciousness.


Without realizing it himself however, he remained faithful to his Jewish religion in his core self. After that, Freud’s subconscious did not allow him any more “sins” against Jahwe. Enough was enough. Such “wantonness” would have been to openly criticize religion and to explain to the patients that their illnesses were a direct result of the crimes committed by the Churches. Instead, Freud fainted when murder of God was mentioned. The most spectacular one was committed during the Psychoanalytical Congress in Munich 1913. Speaker Jung was just explaining that the sons of pharaohs had regularly disempowered or killed their fathers (Gods) and then replaced them by empowering themselves. They had, however, not inaugurated a new religion. “At this instance, Freud slipped from his chair unconscious”, said Jung. In Freud’s opinion, this neurosis of his needed treating.


Was this fainting a “coincidence” or not? Of course not. The fainting in Munich 1913 had been preceded under analogous circumstances 1912 in Munich and by unconsciousness in the Bremen “Essighaus” 1909. First, one had visited the Bremer Bleikeller to see old bog bodies under a huge Church. C. G. Jung reports how they had been almost fresh as life. “What do you see in these corpses!” the very excited Freud called out and promptly fainted. It was obvious to all that Freud had a “corpse in the cupboard”. The scientific opinion of deep psychologists is that the “one killed” in this case was C. G. Jung, his rival upon whom he had subconsciously wished death or even Freud’s brother Julius who had, without it having anything at all to do with Freud, died of tuberculosis in infancy.


Freud however was thought to have had a guilty conscience because he had wished ”poisoned breast milk” upon his one-year-old brother. There is however no need for deep psychology to dig as milky-deep as that! After all, what is correct and important is so evident. Freud himself interprets his fainting episodes quite correctly: “The common reaction to a close friend or relative dying is to blame oneself for having played a part in causing that death” (Freud 1933, p. 553). Well: Freud killed neither Jung nor Julius. The corpse in the cellar emotionally close to him was called “Jahwe”. And Jahwe will not be killed off entirely just like that. He remained just as fresh and hybrid in Freud’s consciousness as a bog body. According to Freud, his fainting spells stood for the punishment of a murderer of God. What is more: From a point of view of religious psychology, Freud had been influenced by his nanny and was actually catholic. His father and mother had actually had almost no influence at all. His mother told Freud: “She carried you into all of the Churches; back home, you would preach and tell of what loving God does.” Well, this God was not at all as loving as all that. After his visits to Church, little Sigmund was at the mercy of the most cruel of all of the approximately 5000 Gods known up to this day: Our Bible-God who threatens with a fire-hell nine times more than the much less dangerous Jahwe and finally drove Freud to feel so intensely guilty (Schur 1982, p. 235) that death was the outcome:


Freud’s ” self-accusation”, his fear of God’s punishment according to the law of Talion resulted in an uncontrollable addiction to nicotine causing a carcinoma of the oral cavity. The Catholic Church therefore violently killed Freud with its threat of hell. As Freud thought God was a delusion, his subconscious had to consider him forever lost, for various Churches had taught him that only he who called to God shall be saved (Romans 10, 13, NT). Gods often have no sense of humor. His psychoanalysis was “a work of the devil” the Church called out to dying Freud in revenge. That makes him one of the many corpses in our so-called Christian Churches’ cupboards. Dostojewski’s fainting spells can be equally interpreted. Having killed the Catholic God of Violence, he had been labeled a heretic and blasphemer.


A classic translation of Freud’s neurosis >