I am, however, not so very alone with my criticism of psychiatrists. The book “Kriminalsoziologie”, F. Sack und R. König, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Frankfurt a. M., shows that psychiatry cannot satisfactorily explain what actually causes delinquency and violence. The fault found with psychiatry is that it speaks of what is “normal” without even being able to define the term. “Babylonian confusion” as regards diagnostic terms is demonstrated by drawing up examples, and it is said that the psychiatrists’ personality, emotional set-up and own bias determine their diagnosis. Psychiatrists are reported to be “extremely careless” and only “insufficiently informed”.
They are suspected of classifying patients arbitrarily, subjectively and invalidly into “oral erotics, oral sadists, anal erotics and anal sadists”. A mentioned psychiatric institution comes to a specific diagnosis in 37% of all cases, a comparable institution reaches none at all. Regrettably, “legislative and executive powers” respected and trusted psychiatrists and believed that their statements were “checked and true”. This however was “definitely not the case”!
The lawyer of the executive “authority for the license to practice” apparently did not read this book. Thank God he cannot yet take away the license to practice from sociologists or even force them to take medication. It is therefore adequate and essential to be suspicious of psychiatrists. Sack’s investigations culminate in the sentence that there is no proof that psychiatrists “consistently came to better judgments about people than the layman”. Therefore, it makes sense that the authority for the license to practice took the precaution to inform the clinic responsible for my treatment in writing of my suspected diagnosis. After all, they did not want anything to go wrong with the finding of the diagnosis. However, that is of course illegal deceitfulness, as it took place without my consent. And is therefore an act of criminal offence in office.
Apart from disease of course, delinquency is caused by our evil and harmful disreligion. In this respect, evil causes evil. A child who, for one reason or another, is considered the black sheep of the family or at school and does not feel loved, will see him- or herself on the waiting list for hell under the strict eyes of his teacher of religious studies or of the clerics. He will believe that he belongs to 50% of all human beings who end up in the fire there as it is depicted in the Church paintings. In this deeply emotional situation, he will develop aspects of extreme emotional disturbance, be discontented, feel inferior and develop feelings of guilt. He will follow impulses to find recognition by joining a gang, substitute lack of satisfaction through living out anger in destruction and watch violent and pornographic programmes in order to vent aggression.
As the child’s subconscious knows that he/she will go to hell anyway, the family’s as well as the Church’s efforts to regulate him will be to no avail. Nothing matters to the youth anymore, he becomes a problem. According to Durkheim, the result is a lack of norms as a reaction to the “realization” that he will be punished in an eternal hell endlessly and excessively and unfairly. If it does not pave the way to depression, the consequence of such maximum frustration will naturally be maximum aggression. According to R. K. Merton, retreat could also be the result. As an example, he draws on “autism”, i. e. child schizophrenia, and is in this respect more qualified than our psychiatrists of today. Of course, the borderline syndrome and adults’ schizophrenia are in most cases Church-induced. C. G. Jung wrote his doctoral thesis on psychotherapy and schizophrenia and classifies them as being caused by experience and consequently as neurosis with a tendency to retreat. Merton writes further about “tramps, psychopaths, chronic drinkers and addicts” who try to reduce the extent of their suffering with their behavior. This also includes adipositas in children and adults which lead to diabetes, psychosomatic conditions and the ADS syndrome. Nietzsche and Max Scheler mention that patients could react with feelings of “resentment”, confused “feelings of hatred, jealousy and hostility”.
The biologist Prof. M. F. A. Montagu views most crimes as a “reaction to any form of lack of personal security”, and the ones who most vehemently cause feelings of insecurity are doubtlessly our Churches. Montagu goes on to say: “It is not the individual who commits the crime but society”. In our case, this means the Churches with their constant threats of outrageous maximum violence.
“Ecclesiogenous neurosis” one used to be allowed to call the consequences of this violence. Today, due to the influence of the Churches (after all frequently responsible for psychiatric clinics and therefore our psychiatrists’ employers), this term is not allowed to be used as official diagnosis anymore, since it does not appear in the diagnosis key ICD-10 anymore. It is not surprising that, according to scientific research, psychotherapy of prison inmates generally does not achieve any improvement: The delinquents’ basic fear is not addressed by the hell-phobic psychiatrists. I was also not able to find the word “hell” in the above-mentioned 500-page book “Kriminalsoziologie”. It does not appear in the 19-page index. Just like our psychiatry, sociology seems to be married to the Church and to protect it diligently but completely unjustifiably.